歌曲名稱 試聽 下載
Let It Go-Idina Menzel
Let It Go(迪士尼動畫冰雪奇緣主題曲)_Demi Lovato
For The First Time In Forever-Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel
Love Is An Open Door-Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana
Let It Go_韓國版_Sistar孝琳演唱-Hyolyn 孝琳
Let It Go_國語版_姚貝娜-Bella Yao 姚貝娜
Bebaskan_印尼版-Marsha Milan Londoh
Let It Go_廣東版_白珍寶 演唱-Jobelle Ubalde 白珍寶
Ploy-mon-pai_泰國版-Khun Vichayanee Pearklin